Welcome to my business school simulation where I explain how the financialization of the upper end of the contemporary art market works so people can understand how it affects their everyday lives - from shrinking tax bases to what they see in museums and popular media. I send twice-a-month substack newsletters, and, over the eight months of the project, there will be opportunities for readers to join in with three smaller simulations, an online art show, and a case study. I am using one network (people participating in the project) to examine and reflect another network (the contemporary art market.)
What is the purpose of all this besides fun? The contemporary art market is a smallish group of people who come together to trade objects and money amongst themselves. By reflecting that activity through simulations, we come together to create a different kind of network and a different kind of art. All of us - the people who subscribe to the newsletter or follow on Instagram - make this art happen. I am looking at this market through a critical lens, but criticism can be a dead end unless there is space left for something better to happen. I hope the art we make together is that better thing.